
Marinated Pork in Flaky Oven Baked BunMarinated Pork and Pickled Vegetables in Flaky Oven Baked BunMarinated Beef in Flaky Oven Baked BunMarinated Beef and Pickled Vegetables in Flaky Oven Baked BunVegetable Egg in Flaky Oven Baked BunOnion Egg in Flaky Oven Baked BunDeep Fried CrullerFlaky Oven Baked Bun

Plum and Herbs Juice (Cold)Sweet Curdled Soy Milk (Hot) (Cold)Salty Curdled Soy MilkPeanut Soy Milk (Hot) (Cold)Sweet Soy Milk (Cold)Sweet Soy Milk (Hot)Salty Soy Milk

Sweet Filling PastrySeasame PastryTaro PastryPeanut PastryGreen Bean PastryRed Bean PastryRadish PastryGreen Onion Pastry
Premium Rice Rolls

Salty Rice RollSweet Rice RollSalty Vegetarian Rice RollSalty Rice Roll with Pickled VegetablesSalty Rice Roll + Picked Vegetables + Fried EggSalty Rice Roll + Picked Vegetables + Marinated EggSalty Rice Roll + Picked Vegetables + Onion Egg
Pan Fried

Fried EggBread Bun with Onion EggFried Onion Cake with EggFried Onion CakeFried Taro Radish Cake with EggFried Taro Radish CakeFried Radish Cake with EggFried Radish CakeEgg Covered TortillaDeep Fried Cruller Wrapped in Egg Covered TortillaEgg Crêpe with Sweet CornEgg Crêpe with Pork Floss
Bamboo Leaves Sticky Rice

Peanuts in Sticky RiceSticky Rice with Pork and MushroomSticky Rice with Pork, Mushroom, & Salty Egg
Buns, Dumplings and Noodle

Marinated EggsTea Marinated EggsCold NoodleOnion BunVegetable BunVegetable Pork BunBread BunSi Hai Fried Meat FilledPot Stickers (8)Steamed Buns (10)Fried Leek Pockets (2)Marinated Pork Sandwich BunRice Pudding with Ground Pork and Mushroom
Entree Dishes

Smoked ChickenSpicy Marinated Sea WeedSpicy Pig EarsMarinated PeanutsMarinated (Spicy) Cured TofuPickled VegetablesStir Fried Salty PeanutsMarinated Duck WingsMarinated Pork KnucklesMarinated Beef